I thought since its been a looong time gone, I'd warm up by writing a tiny review on the i phone, which my company has awarded me for being the laziest bum in 2008.
Well the phone ranks high on awe value. It is the most beautiful phone I have seen, in terms of clean edges, non protuding side keys, and almost non existent keypad.
The whole caboodle starts of with your gsm sim card, after which you have to download the itunes software from the net. Install the set up and connect your iphone, and viola the whole thing starts and comes to life.
However the real fun begins now. In order for your to download "FREE" applications from itunes (mine not being a jailbreaked/hacked phone yet) you need to register to the itune store...WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER!!!
Being a non engineer and anti online trust that I have in these things, I refused to register, only to bow down to the mighty itune application registration form the next day;after the imagine store confirmed that you need to register even for the free stuff!!!
Anyway...for some reason Vodafone guys dont seem to know what they are doing, while the stor tells me to send some crazy messages, which the server responds to by sending me a message in return; the call centre doesnt even know some thing call iphone activation exists!!!
So in all am not able to use the GPRS/EDGE/Internet facility these guys use yet, which again is a vital component to enjoy the i phone features completley.
As known the blue tooth sucks bigtime, as does the non message forwardability. Camera is decent, music is ipod standard, video playback is good too.
But the best part is the pure pleasure in touching the huge screen adn flipping it around. The games are cool, with having to turn the phone around to use it as a steering.
Well overall, looking at it in a neutral view I'd say its a pretty slick phone, feels good to have it in your hand...apart from the fact it costs 30k!!!
The Nokia E71 totally rocks but is not a touch screen phone! ya it lacks the blackberry facility but who on earth wants that when this phone can do alot! Maddy, i think your iPhone will be replaced by the Nokia N97! Looking forward for that post soon :)