Just Emkaying: "Wholesale GAnesha"!!!

Sep 6, 2008

"Wholesale GAnesha"!!!


Topic of the season has been around Environmental concern over Ganesh idols and spray paints harming the environoment. Fair enough. But somehow I couldnt help but observing some down trends in the way we celebrate our Ganapa festivals.

Earlier Ganesha Chaturthi used to be a month of family fun and good spirit..the whole family getting together and celebrating with gusto. Cheering loudly, bursting crackers...Kids running around your feet. Elders Discussing family issues..Women folk preparing "chakulis and laddoos" for good ol Ganapa... In all Fun. From the past few years this trend has changed to "one day Chaturthis, with bring the idol, pooja, submerse." Feels like "lets get it overwith" kind of attitude. Many families have either discontinued it (which I think is gonna be a major Ganapa upsetter as per scriptures) or are trying to.. Strange. We never had a ganapa at our home, at least as far as I can remember. But my love for him never ceases. with or without idol.

Why? Hmmmm I don know for sure. But I thnks its got to be with nuclear families coming up, the importance of culture and family values dissapearing. I somehow had this feeling that all these festivals were acctually initiated years ago to keep families together, show them the right way, build inner strength and confidence n peace...Well I don see that happening any more

Surprisingly this year has been the year of Wholesale GAnesha and not wholesale "Loud Cheers of Ganapati Bappa Moraya" I have seen huge number of Ganpas for sale, nut very few processions of Ganeshas. Even back at my village there minimal festivities...Inflation?? I dont think so :)

I wanted to put multiple snaps of all the Ganeshas that I have seen, but Have seen so few that I had to write these comments on the festival. Any way, AM sure Ganesh ji wont mind, he has a big heart after all.
Heres praying for a better world, more common sense for humans, better times for the poor, happiness and love to all...
Oh yeah and more readers for my blogs ;)!!!


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