Talk about confusion man... MTV Roadies was in Bangalore on sunday..and guess what ? I missed it!!! And the best part was My company was a part of the promotion!!
Yep Garnier Fructis was there at the audition and ma friend and colleague was there and chatting and all with everyone..Told me it was cool
Was watching the auditions and prelims on MTV today...somehow I am not sure that I could face Raghu..though I can bet I would enjoy it the most. Just thinking of putting up some smart ass performance makes me all enthu about it.. But I know am not hte fun care free cool lazy bugger I was a couple of years ago.
People who know me will tell you that I am at my best in a crowd of friends. otherwise I can be a real pain..REAL pain. I can be hip and crap at the same time..And I have absolutely no Idea why am going on and on about myself. Blah!!!
By the way one of my buddies was expecting this post to be about him and his social life!!! The hype we created around it was really high..Man was he tensed ;) Any way chiil man its not about you!!!
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